Friday 2 April 2010

My First Lab Duo-Scope Microscope Reviews

My First Lab Duo-Scope Microscope Reviews
Other products by C & A Scientific Ratting 4.5 Out of 5.0 Special Offer Total New 10 Total Use 0

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My First Lab Duo-Scope Microscopes uses are unlimited with dual lights. It has the flexibility to view both slides and solid items. View slides with the light shining up from below and view solid objects with the light shining down on the specimen. It is fun and educational for scientists of all ages. It includes over 50 pieces of accessories for hours of scientific research. It requires 3 AA batteries, which are not included. It contains glass and sharp instruments. Also it includes: vinyl dust cover, five plain slides, one concavity slide, four prepared slides, cover glass, plastic dropper, two bottles of stain, slide labels, lens paper, forceps, scalpel, plastic test tube, plastic Petri dish, straight teasing needle, and instruction manual and helpful hints. It features: 10X eyepiece; 4X, 10X, 40X objectives, 40X, 100X, 400X Magnification, real optical glass lenses, dual focusing knobs, two LED lights, and six hole disc diaphragms

Technical Details

- Features 40x, 100x & 400x magnifications
- Real Glass Optics
- 6 hole disk diaphragm
- Battery Operated
- Extensive, 50 pc accessory kit
See more technical details
Customer Buzz
"Excellent" 2010-03-21
By RJL (Texas)
We have had this microscope for 18 months now and have had no trouble. My boys love to discover things in the local pond, etc. The built-in light (rather than a mirror) is a huge plus. Optics might be just a touch sub-par for the price, but it's good for casual users.

Customer Buzz
"My boys love this!" 2010-03-10
By V. L. Arnold (Kuna, ID)
Our family has had so much fun with this! The kids have asked to go on walks just to find things they can look at with the microscope. Seems pretty durable. It is especially helpful to be next to a very bright window. (saves the batteries)Great value for the money.

Customer Buzz
"by far the best beginner scope i've seen" 2010-03-03
By Hanover_Fist
I got this for my 11 year old son because he had purchased some dinky play microscope at school with a money voucher that he got for getting good grades. Well, the scope was really poor quality (10$), and he couldn't see anything. Since he was interested enough to use a 10$ voucher I got him a 'better' one at toy-r-us. It was 29$....and a little better than the first one....but still poor quality. We went to the beach and collected samples for it, and he was pretty excited to see some bugs swimming on the slides but me being an engineer and having access to very high quality scopes I was very disappointed.

I didn't say anything to him about purchasing this Duo-Scope but it arrived yesterday. Well worth the price! Absolute clarity with both modes (over and underlit). The focusing is VERY smooth and precise, I was a little worried about this because focusing is one of the parts that is crucial and is often overlooked. The focus mechanism on this scope is top notch. Addtionally, I looked this scope over very carefully, and as a Mechanical Engineer I can say that the construction is excellent. I would imagine as long as it is not abused it will last a very long time.

We spent the evening looking at all kinds of stuff, coins, dollar bills..etc.
He was thrilled with it, and since it's portable (the LED's are VERY bright) he was looking at stuff after his bedtime under his covers and I had to tell him to put it!

Take a lesson from me, don't spend a total of 39$ be disappointed.
Get one of these scopes, you'll love it.

Customer Buzz
"Instant scientist maker" 2010-02-19
By S. Railton
When I told my 9 year old I ordered her this microscope she looked at me like I had a third eye. But when this microscope arrived, she literally could not put it down. She started with the prepared slides that I ordered along with it Learning Resources Prepared Slides Combination Set, 48 Specimens, then progressed on to everything she could find in the kitchen. She asked for a journal to record her findings and made detailed reports. She even woke up early the morning so she would have time to look at other objects before she had to get ready for school. She's already making plans for the next Science Fair and asking about careers related to using microscopes. And this is in the first 24 hours!

The microscope, itself, is well-made. The optics are good and images are crisp. It is easy for a child to use and durable. I like it's portability, as my daughter can carry it around with her as she explores. The dual function of looking at slides or solid objects is a plus. The lenses are so good, that you really don't need the LED to examine objects in a lighted room. We even were able to get great photos from a regular point-and-shoot digital camera through the eyepiece. (Glad I waited on ordering the digital eyepiece camera!)

I also ordered the Celestron 44104 microscope for my older daughter. The Celestron is definitely a solid microscope, but heavy and is limited to looking at slides and not solid objects. The MFL Duo microscope also comes complete with all the accessories you will need to prepare slides and collect specimens.

Highly recommended.

Customer Buzz
"An EXCELLENT Microscope! Look at solids and slides!" 2010-02-18
By Tammy (Olmsted Falls, OH)
I am mom. Mom I am. I bought this for my 8 year old twin daughters as a Christmas gift. They did NOT think it was a corny gift either... In fact we have spent hours at a time looking at anything and EVERYTHING...including just last night one of the girls pulled a tooth out and we used a small glob of fun-tack to mount it standing straight up on a slide so we could look at the part that used to be stuck in her gum-line. UNBELIEVABLE!! We actually were able to see the hairlike fibers of the nerves that were up in the root system! I am able with my Kodak camera (set on macro) and hold the lens right against the microscope viewer and take a photo of what we are seeing. A really good photo! We were not able to use the girls Canon cameras because the shape of their camera lens does not allow it to set flat on the microscope viewer.
We also looked a a small dead spider we found lying around the house and viewed the eyes which were actually quite beautiful as they looked like tiny amber/garnet colored stones. We have looked close-up at many things using both the top and bottom lighting thereby viewing both slides and solids.
I sooooo recommend this to anyone with kids...including teachers! The batteries are lasting very long so far. We have not yet changed them. We are looking forward to bringing the microscope to a pond area when it gets warmer and taking samples directly from our surroundings!
I have a great photo of the tooth area with the nerves, but do not see a way to add a photo to this review. If there is a way, please let me know and I will be sure to post it and any other photos we take.

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