Hungry Hungry Hippos Reviews
Hungry Hungry Hippos Reviews
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Down by the river in a shady grove, live the Hungry Hungry Hippos. There's HoneyPotamus (who loves anything sweet), VeggiePotamus (who loves all things green), PickyPotamus (who's very, very picky), and his big brother BottomlessPotamus (who isn't picky at all!). Come on down to the riverbank and join the Hungry Hungry Hippos for a gobblin' good time. The player whose hippo munches the most wins! This heritage game with its frenetic, colorful gameplay is a recognizable favorite that always leaves kids hungry for more!
Technical Details
- These four hungry hippos want to munch a bunch of marbles- The faster you press their tails, the more marbles they try to chomp
- If your hippo gobbles the most you win
- Game includes Hippos game base 4 Hippo heads 4 levers label sheet 20 marbles instructions
- Color of parts may vary.
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By heyjude09 (Iowa)
This was a gift for my 4 yr old grandson. He loves playing with this... even though he doesn't really understand how to play the game yet.
By Sonny L (New Mexico)
I bought three of these as gifts, one for my own child. I was glad we opened ours before we sent the others. I returned all three. The game is a cheap, flimsy, irritating, pale copy of the one I remember from years ago. It has to be disassembled every time to put it away in the box. The pieces are difficult to snap into place, and a child of the target age for this toy would not be able to do it. Those little plastic tabs could not possibly stand up to the repeated process of putting it together and taking it apart. The hippos do not snap into place very firmly, despite the difficulty of snapping them in. This results in a wobbly game to play with. The head assemblies snag up on themselves more often than they work to grab the marbles. I was very disappointed as I know my kids would have loved this game if it had lived up to the original.
By L. Sofia (PA)
This toy hurts! You have to assemble the game each time you want to play. Snapping the hippos into the blue base is a bit difficult but getting them out really hurts your fingers. You have to pinch the tabs underneath the base which is no easy feat. Unless you leave the game out of the box when storing you have to do this each and every time the kids want to play it. Makes me cringe every time. The construction is a bit flimsy as well. Not as sturdy as the old version when I was a kid.
By E. Dunston
My 4 year old LOVES this game! I played it when I was a child and now bought it for him. We play at least once a week.
By Fun Dad (Pacific Northwest)
My daughter wanted this from Santa but I must say it is junk. Besides no real learning value, it is of very poor quality. The mouths of the hippos often stick and/or the hippo comes out of the slot that holds it in.
So don't waste any money on this useless so-called game. Also, it's not very easy to store (i.e. after wasting so much time trying to get the hippos to stay on the board, you certainly wouldn't want to take them off and put the so-called game back in the box.)
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